Tag: NY
WNY Projects On The Line
New York State started to see some community solar development under net metering as investors and developers of community solar projects felt more confident in moving projects forward.
Organizations Call For Nuclear Opt-Out In New York
Ostensibly, the Clean Energy Standard policy was designed to move New York toward its commitment of getting 50% of its energy from renewables by 2030.
Entergy’s Nuclear Limbo Threatens Public Safety
“Entergy is not able to turn a profit at FitzPatrick and so it is cutting costs by on the backs of workers and public safety,” said Jessica Azulay, Syracuse-based organizer for the Alliance for a Green Economy.
Local Petitioners Speak at NRC Hearing on FitzPatrick Reactor Safety
The petition now has approximately 300 co-signers. Petitioners participated through written statements submitted in advance as well as oral statements in person and via conference call.
AGREE And Beyond Nuclear File Supplement To FitzPatrick Emergency Enforcement Petition
“We believe the inspection report indicates that the NRC and Entergy have known for 10 months that the venting plan, which is supposed to prevent an explosion in the reactor building, could itself lead to a hydrogen explosion,” said Jessica Azulay, staff organizer for AGREE.
Groups Call For Closure Of FitzPatrick Nuclear Plant, Say Entergy Is “Gambling” With Public Safety
“The plant is not currently safe to operate, and this is why we are calling for suspension of operations until safety can be assured.”
Oswego Nuclear Reactors To Go Under Federal Scrutiny
“Today, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) publicly released a December 13, 2011 decision, which accepts several key publicly requested actions regarding safety concerns at the 23 reactors.”