Tag: NRC
NRC decides not to suspend FitzPatrick operations during petition review process; AGREE criticizes NRC for failing to prioritize public safety from immediate nuclear risk
“The NRC and Entergy are irrationally gambling on the probability that a nuclear accident won’t happen in this acknowledged vulnerable containment system,” said Paul Gunter, Director of Reactor Oversight at Beyond Nuclear, based in Takoma Park, MD.
Local Activists to Take Part in National Day of Action Against Entergy
This week, groups throughout the United States are protesting Entergy Corporation for its refusal to abide by the democratic decision taken by the government of Vermont to shut down the Vermont Yankee reactor.
AGREE And Beyond Nuclear File Supplement To FitzPatrick Emergency Enforcement Petition
“We believe the inspection report indicates that the NRC and Entergy have known for 10 months that the venting plan, which is supposed to prevent an explosion in the reactor building, could itself lead to a hydrogen explosion,” said Jessica Azulay, staff organizer for AGREE.
Groups Renew Call for a Shut Down of the FitzPatrick Nuclear Reactor, Citing NRC and Entergy Knowledge that the Plant is Vulnerable
“The inspection report indicates that the NRC and Entergy have known for 10 months that the venting plan, which is supposed to prevent a hydrogen explosion in the reactor building, could itself lead to a hydrogen explosion,” said Jessica Azulay, staff organizer for AGREE.
Oswego Nuclear Reactors To Go Under Federal Scrutiny
“Today, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) publicly released a December 13, 2011 decision, which accepts several key publicly requested actions regarding safety concerns at the 23 reactors.”