Category: Press Releases
Consumer Watchdogs Criticize Proposed Deal To Shorten The Subsidy For Ginna Nuclear Reactor, Saying It Doesn’t Go Far Enough
The proposed agreement is better than the original bad deal that RG&E and Constellation tried to ram through before anyone could take a hard look.
Proposed Nuclear Bailout Would Make Rochester Residents “April Fools”
The contract, as proposed, would be retroactive to April 1, which means that RG&E customers would start accruing a debt to Exelon beginning today, to be collected, with interest, if the deal gains approval.
Latest Inspection Of FitzPatrick Nuclear Plant Reveals Unreported Hazards
Anti-nuclear watchdogs today pointed to the violations revealed at FitzPatrick as evidence that Entergy is mismanaging both plants and that no subsidies should be extended to FitzPatrick.
AGREE Statement On The Proposed New York “Clean Energy Standard”
“But the policy released today also includes a mandate that utility customers must prop up the uneconomical and dangerous nuclear power plants in Upstate New York.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission To Hear Case For FitzPatrick Condenser Replacement
Nuclear watchdogs are concerned that financial challenges at the reactor are preventing the company from replacing the equipment and compromising safety.
Entergy’s Nuclear Limbo Threatens Public Safety
“Entergy is not able to turn a profit at FitzPatrick and so it is cutting costs by on the backs of workers and public safety,” said Jessica Azulay, Syracuse-based organizer for the Alliance for a Green Economy.
Potentially Catastrophic Near-Accident At Nine Mile Point To Be Discussed Friday
The Alliance for a Green Economy, a coalition of environmental groups, faults the nuclear operator and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for a pattern of inadequate refueling procedures and lax regulation during refueling.
Near-Miss Accident At Nine Mile Point To Be Cited By NRC
The NRC notice also cites a major concern over the lack of time to evacuate the public in the vicinity, due to the fast-breaking nature of the radiation release that could have occurred.
NRC Accepts Petition Challenging Entergy’s Northeast Nuclear Operations
The decision by the NRC is an initial victory for residents seeking to shut down the reactors out of concern over a rising number of age-related equipment failures.
FitzPatrick Nuclear Reactor Sees Skyrocketing Condenser Problems
During the inspection period, which covered April to June 2013, operators had to reduce power four times to plug leaks in the condenser. They also reduced power on several other occasions to fix other problematic equipment.